Monday, November 15, 2010

Being A Successful Family Man...

                I believe my definition of being a successful family man is unique to everyone else’s. Before I wrote this, I decided to ask people what their definition was. Approximately 90 percent of people said exactly what I had expected: giving your family a big house, lots of money, and sweet cars. Lots of material objects, as you can see.  Yes, of course those things would be nice but unless someone hits the Power Ball Jackpot or has an extravagantly paying job, those things are not likely. Besides, money isn’t everything by far; if you don’t have someone to share those things with, you have nothing. I have a completely different look on being a successful family man and it doesn’t involve the big house or the fancy cars. I am an extremely family oriented kind of guy. My thoughts are simple; I want myself and my family to be happy and healthy. Not just physically but mentally as well. They both go hand-in-hand, so I can’t have one without the other and be happy at the same time. Next, being able to support my family in all aspects is very important. Being supportive is key to success in a relationship. Also, living life to the fullest is too a part of my success definition. If I’m not having fun with the people I love, who am I going to be able to look back at those memories with? Plus, who wants to just sit around all the time and watch life pass on by while doing nothing. Lastly, to have a good paying job is not super important to me because I believe that people can be happy and broke at the same time, but is important in the sense that we won’t have to live paycheck to paycheck and be stressed out like I am now. By keeping my stress down, I in turn keep myself happier and mentally healthier. So as you can see, I am a very family oriented kind of guy and if I can keep my family healthy and happy, then I will continue to live a successful life enjoying every day like it was my last.

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