Friday, September 24, 2010

A Trip to Milwaukee...

It was a cold, cloudy day; we pack up the vehicle with our three beautiful children and begin our three and a half hour trip to Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I started off driving but became as tired as a newborn after being fed. So my fiancĂ© and I pulled over at the very first spot available. My girl took over the wheel as we continued down the long path to our destination. We stopped at rest stop to take a break from the long drive and let the kids run some energy out of their system. We decided to play tag. After the kids had dominated us in tag, we continue down the long and hectic road over flowing with vehicles of all shapes and sizes. When we arrived in Milwaukee, it was a crazy sight for me because I have never been there. There were overpasses for days and winding, twisting streets that would make you dizzier than spinning in circles. It was inevitable that I get us lost in the insane roads. They were more confusing than a test that you have not learned a thing about. After many phone calls and tons of turn arounds, from correcting my wrong turns, we had finally arrived at our destination. We walk in the door and collapse in relief that we had finally made it to my Cousin Jamie’s house. Now we can go to sleep and wake up early in the morning to take the kids to the Milwaukee Zoo to celebrate two of our beautiful children’s birthdays. It will be a blast and most of all the kids will have the time of their lives until our next family vacation.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Wake Up and Smell The Roses...

Three years ago, if you knew me, you would be able to see pretty quick that I really only cared about myself. I was also misbehaving and getting into trouble, so along with being selfish, you can add completely irresponsible to that list. I would do whatever it was I wanted to when I wanted to without any thought of consequences. Soon after that three years ago point in my life; I met the woman of my dreams. We got along so well and just clicked right from the beginning. One and three-quarter years ago, Naomi, my now fiancĂ©, found out that she was pregnant with our daughter, Taylor. We were really excited for this unplanned miracle. But unfortunately, I still had some growing up to do and I needed to do it fast. Shortly after that, we had put forth some serious future plans. We knew from day one of meeting each other that we were meant to be, so we talked about getting married. We also talked about getting into college and getting a degree. Basically, all the important steps in life in order to be a great parent for our kids. Ten months had passed since we found out she was pregnant, all the sudden in the middle of the night, I get a punched and told to get the car ready because Taylor was coming whether we were ready or not. We made our way to the hospital to deliver our precious little princess. I’m not going to lie; I was definitely crying tears of joy. It was the happiest day of my life by far. After Taylor was born it hit me real quick, I had concluded that some things needed to change in my behavior and attitude towards life. This is when I knew that from here on out it wasn’t just about me anymore. I need to put my family before myself in order to have a happy one and be the best dad I can be. Now, my family comes first and I worry about myself last and before I do anything, I make sure there is not going to be any negative consequences that would prevent me from being taken away from my family. So here I am today, going to college so I can provide for my family and continue to live life positive and happy as can be.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Parking Around Western....

Driving around campus every day before class can be a long and hectic process. To arrive to class on time, a student living off campus, such as me, must plan for an aggravating search for a place to park their car. I can remember one day I searched for a parking spot for twenty minutes while driving around countless blocks with no luck of finding a spot and ended up parking in a tenants only parking. Even though Western’s parking passes are a little expensive for me and probably many students, it may be worth it to not have to worry about being late to class. Besides for their not being many parking spots, every two hours, students have to go move their cars in order to avoid getting a parking ticket. If it wouldn’t take too long and hold up even more spots to park, I wish Western would build a parking ramp. That way I and many would not have to wake up in the morning before class and wonder where am I going to park today. As you can see, finding a parking spot at Western Technical College is one annoying and difficult task to accomplish.

Revised 9-9-10