Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Eating @ Ardie's...

Eating at Ardies Restaurant is a delicious treat. I have been eating at my grandmother's restaurant for as long as I can remember. They have the best food there that is why I continue to go back as much as I can afford to. For example, when I was a kid, we would go eat there every single Friday for their famous "Friday night fish fry." I enjoyed it to the max. Since my family owns the business it’s always nice to be able to see how everyone is doing when I would go eat at the restaurant as well. They have so many good things to eat. I can remember this one I went on a 3 month binge for their Smoked Turkey Melt. Then another time, for about the same time as the last, I would order the Classic Reuben every time. Eating at the restaurant has given me many full bellies of delicious food and good times to go along with the good food.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Life is getting even busier...

Life is crazy busy right now and it's going to get even worse. I have to get up extra early to get ready for school. Then we have to get the kids ready for school. After that our little one needs to get ready for her daycare. Following that, we get the kids off to school and Taylor off to daycare. Then, it's classes all morning and in to the afternoon. Of course you have study time in between classes such as the math lab or the library. I spend so much time in the math lab, it's like a part time job every week. After class is done, starting Monday, my fiance will race to work starting at 2:00 pm. She has work all the way until 10:00 pm. It really sucks because we are going to start hardly ever seeing each other. She is going to work full-time and continue to be a student full-time. At least it's only full-time while in training for two months then it will be part time after that, thank God! After my classes, I'll have to race home after picking up Taylor at daycare so I can pick the other two kids up from school. Shortly after we arrive at home, I will have to cook diner for the three little munchkins and then sit down with them to do their homework. Then of course you have your regular household chores such as picking up garbage and toys and doing the dishes while changing diapers in between everything. Shortly after chores, it will be time for the kids to get to bed, around eight or nine at night, so I can have a short break to either sit down and relax for the first time since 6:00 am, or to keep doing homework that may have not gotten finished from earlier in the day. Soon my fiance will be home from work and hopefully she won't have homework or be too tired so we can get some cuddle time in before both of pass out in exhaustion from our extremely busy day as two hard-working parents. :)