Friday, April 15, 2011

so yeah....

Well life is still crazy as hell. Still going to school (and loving it). I can't wait to graduate adn have a real career instead of all these little jobs that are not benefitting me in any way aside from having an income like many in the world dont since our country is not doin so hot right now to say the least. Our kids are still the best kids on the face of this planet. Our youngest is a little monster. She is now 18 months old and acts like a 2 year old going through their terrible two's stage in life. Other than that not a whole lot has changed. Looking forward to summer coming. I love summer. Get to be outside all the time and get active. Winter is pretty good for packin on a few pounds. We'll be at my grand mothers pool al summer for sure. and come to find out my fiance needs surgery on her both of her hands per severe carpal tunnel. That is nuts, I feel so bad for her, she has been complaining of her hands for the last 3 months but who knew it was that bad. Well, still loving life, still enjoying everything. The only thing that could get better is my parents, I wish they would be more supportive and excepting. I am finally doing something with my life but it seems to me as if anything I do will never be good enough. We'll see though.